The book that I am currently done reading with is called The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher. This book was one of the most interesting books I've read since the start of the year. Intense action and a good creative interesting plot. This story is about a time when water is more important than gold or oil. There is a lot of setting and intense action in the book.Vera and her brother, Will travels to a land unknown to save Vera's friend Kai. They meet tons of rivals and and pirates which treat them like their own kids. One of these rivals is Bluewater, it is a big theft organization that kidnaps people that knows where to find water. Bluewater basically finds a bunch of water and sells it to make a bunch of profit of it. Bluewater is the main conflict throughout the book. This creates Vera's character patterns throughout the book. I believe that Vera is the hero in this book because she does everything to solve the conflict.
One reason why I think Vera is the hero in this book is her courageous identity. Throughout the book, there has been times when they have gotten into a life and death situation. For example, when they were thrown in a secret place where they were held prisoners, Vera told the guards to let go of Will so they he could be free. This shows that Vera is very courageous because she's willing to sacrifice her life for her brother and she's not even scared. Another example why I think she is courageous is because when they were captured by the PELA(another crime association), Will said "We're in Canada, Vera. We're prisoners in the country of our enemies. Even if we could find Kai, we can't save him. How could we? Be realistic. We're just two kids without any weapons, and we'll be lucky to get out of here with our own lives." Vera replies back "No, Will. Don't say that!" From this quote, I can interpret that Vera believes in herself and has hope. Another quote is right after Will says it's impossible to save Kai. "Kai is our friend, you can try to get home- if you want- but I'm going to stay here until I find him(Kai)." This also shows that she isn't afraid what's going to happen to her until she accomplishes the goal that is set in her mind.
A second reason I think she's the hero is because she's strives only for the positive and she never thinks about the negatives. She always thinks that everything will be OK and that they will achieve their goal no matter what. Even when she gets shot in the scalp, she told herself that she wouldn't die and would keep going. This is why I think she is a true hero in this book and not just any sort of hero that solves a conflict. She stayed positive and even found out that Ulysses(the pirate leader) is alive which was a good thing since Ulysses was a nice pirate. Then they found a women that helped them drastically with her blade skills.
This book was an extremely good book, I loved everything about it including the plot. Everything I loved about this book was positive. The idea of the plot was actually one of my favorites, he put an idea which was that water runs out and people are dying because they aren't getting fresh water. This idea stuns me that water, a natural resource could run out. I have never thought about it and Cameron Stracher has just gave me this new idea so I could include some of his details in my writing.
In conclusion, I think Vera is a true hero in this book. She was always courageous and made self sacrifices during the adventure/journey. She always stayed to the positive side and always believed there was a way even in tight spots and tough situations. She believed in hope and this was what made the book so inspiring to me. Overall, this book was an awesome book. The plot and the characters were extremely appealing to me and it just made me read more and more. If I were Vera, I wouldn't think I would be as courageous as her. I would think it's too dangerous to try to face a whole organization with just two kids and expect the kids to destroy the whole organization. I might've not even followed Kai's trails, it would be too dangerous to follow a trail where the pirates and organizations have guns and other weapons that could hurt you.
I've really want to read this book ever since I saw it in the library. I'm glad to see you gave it such a positive review. (I see you didn't write about my evil character idea....)
ReplyDeleteI know, the evil character idea just wasn't in my book... Evil characters will always be evil characters.