Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Visual Art Assignment due 1/25

This painting is called Frida Khalo, The Little Dear by Frida Khalo. Frida Khalo has been a huge inspiration to me when I was in elementary school, I use to hear her name all the time from art teachers. I noticed that she did a lot of self portraits that were rather strange somehow.  Many people would have different perspectives on this painting but this is mine. I think that Frida Khalo must've drawn herself in a deer because of some kind of pain physically or mentally she's having.
One obvious evidence that I can point out is the arrows. She drew arrows all stuck around the deer's body with blood coming out. There is also an arrow on her neck, which has to be painful. I think that this painting portrays both physical and mental pain. In the background I see a nice blue sky, there's also a path that leads out of the forests. Frida could've drawn the deer moving out that path but instead  Frida draws herself around a bunch of dark trees. I think she did this because she thinks that there's no more hope for her for whatever the problem she's having. The blue sky represents hope while the forests represent darkness, it seems like she's trapped in the mentally with no way out. Drawing herself in a form of a deer makes me think really deep, she could've chosen any other animal, why a deer? Back to my theory about her experiencing pain physically and mentally, I think that she's experiencing pain physically also because she's put her body form into a deer form. This makes me think if she has some kind of bone fracture that injured her body. Even her face shows a sign of unhappiness and something that is bothering her.
I think this painting connects to humanity and the world because many people suffer these days from all kinds of things. They experience pain physically and mentally like in this poem, it can even connect to me. In face it can connect to everyone since I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced some sort of pain. They probably have experienced frustration to the point where you just give up.

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